Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ohdear. o:

This is a tad late. 
I'm so very sorry. |:

This little girl is nine.
This little girl is so beautiful.
This little girl is also my sister.
I took this a while ago but as I was rummaging through my photos, I found it.
I like the clarity of her eyes; it draws me to the picture.
What do you think?


Genny's Photography said...

i love this picture of your sister ..i love how her eyes shine with the lighting its very beautiful =D

briana miller said...

The innocence in her eyes makes me wonder what she's thinking about.

and they call me Brooke. said...

She was more than likely thinking, "When will Ashley be done."
i took about fifty pictures of just her eyes and she couldn't blink while I took them.
Sorry Boo-Boo's! (her nickname)

christina france said...

this picture is so sweet.
her forehead looks kinda big though. i think i would have put more background in it.
a gorgeous picture though :)