Thursday, February 4, 2010


So, you stumbled your way into my blog.
Read it. Enjoy it. Comment it.
Tell me what you think about my pictures when I post them later on in the week.
I would LOVE that.
Tell me what I could do as a photographer to improve on my pictures;
whether it be the lighting, setting, ANYTHING.
Let me know.
I'm really, very excited about this whole shaaaaabanggg!
I'm open to any criticism, so let it rock. :)
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
Oh, and, since you read this, your my new pal.

1 comment:

Kenya Owens said...

WOW!!!! Your pictures are SIMPLY AMAZING, AND EYE CATCHING! Sorry for the caps... it's just wow. You're just really good what you do. :DD Definately take more pictures. :P